Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Golden Tumors and Mice, Re-stacking Our Idols vs the Aroma of Life Leading to Life

    In 1 Samuel we find an strange but interesting story. In battle, the fierce Philistines managed to wrangle the Ark of the Covenant from Israel. Immediately the Ark brought destruction to whatever Philistine city possessed it. It was placed in the temple of the Philistine god,
Dagon, next to his statue to show his superiority over it. The following morning, the priests of Dagon arrived to find his image toppled to the floor, so they returned it to its upright position. Next morning, Dagon was again face down with a few parts broken, Again the Dagonite priests did the best they could to return him to an upright position. This continued for days until there was no longer enough left of ole Dagon to re-stack.
   When I read this I wondered why the superiority of the God of Israel over Dagon the fish/man/god wasn't immediately apparent to them. Why didn't the Philistines simply reject Dagon and worship Yahweh? Then Holy Spirit reminded me of the lessor gods I once worshipped. When I first placed my faith in Jesus I expected to continue to worship my own idols, over-valuing things that were of no worth in the Kingdom of God. Just like the Dagonite priests, when the Lord knocked my idols over and chipped away at them, I tried to restore them to their original position. Dagon's priests stayed at it until he was rubble. I stayed at it until the Lord and pulverized mine. When nothing remained of what I had once worshipped, my eyes were finally fully turned to Him.

   When the Philistines still failed to recognize Yahweh's superiority, He brought a nasty plague of mice that carried a human plague. It wasn't very pleasant. The Ark was then sent
from city to city. Those who received it couldn't get rid of it fast enough! Eventually the Philistine leaders had a meeting to decide what to do with it. Send away the ark of the God of Israel, and let it go back to its own place, so that it does not kill us and our people." For there was a deadly destruction throughout all the city; the hand of God was very heavy there.  And the men who did not die were stricken with the tumors....(1 Samuel 5:11,12a NKJV)  So they placed the ark on a cart and sent it packing, along with some golden mice and golden tumors that they hoped would appease God.  

    Pastor and commentator David Guzik wrote --  The Philistines, if they would have repented and turned towards the LORD, could have benefited from the ark. Instead, it became a curse and a judgment to them. The same is true of the presence of God among us. Paul wrote, For we are to God the fragrance of Christ among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing. To the one we are the aroma of death leading to death, and to the other the aroma of life leading to life. (2 Corinthians 2:15-16) The work of Jesus on your behalf will either be the greatest blessing you have ever known for all eternity or it will be the greatest witness of God’s judgment against you. If you submit and surrender to God, it can be a blessing. If you refuse His voice and His heart towards you, it can be a curse. What will you decide? 

     The Ark was the  designated dwelling place for the Name and the Presence of God for Israel. We are blessed to be indwelled by the Holy Spirit and to have continuous access to the Father and to Jesus. The glory of God abides with us.

   So, why are we so drawn to continue re-stacking our idols? Why do so many fail to even tithe, but offer instead our own golden mice in the form of occasional generosity which we hope will appease God?

   Dave Guzik's question apples to us today. “What will you decide?" 

   Copyright 2013 Mission of the Master Ministries, Inc. May be reprinted in whole or in part without prior written permission if a link is provided to


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