Wednesday, June 5, 2013

How Many Legs Does the Bible Say an Elephant Has?

   But avoid foolish disputes, genealogies, contentions, and strivings about the law; for they are unprofitable and useless. Reject a divisive man after the first and second admonition, knowing that such a person is warped and sinning, being self-condemned. (Titus 3:9 NKJV)
   Scripture speaks to me through 66 books. And through their many chapters. And through passages. And through verses, fragments of verses, and even single words. Each word in the bible was inspired by the Holy Spirit, and God's power is released into my life every time I hear it. That is God's plan. (Isaiah 55:11). Praise the Lord.
   I could write for an hour about this verse, but its hard for my heart to go down the trail much further than the first four words --  But avoid foolish disputes... Paul is specifically addressing certain kinds of foolish disputes, and he lists some. But my list is bigger. When I read these simple words my heart is led to consider one of my great source sins, pride. Oh, the foolish disputes which have plowed through God's peace in my soul to avenge hurt pride or to establish prideful boasting. Often I have engaged in a biblical discussion to prove someone wrong or to demonstrate my biblical expertise. The bible describes its purpose as mind renewing, but I sometimes treat it like a game of biblical trivial pursuit.
   Is it possible to avoid foolish disputes? When we dig into the original Greek, the Lord shows us not only that it is possible. but also how it is possible. The Greek word translated as avoid is peristemi. It's meaning is much more enlightening than our simple English translation word avoid. It means --
   “The word peristemi literally meaning to turn oneself about so as to face the other way (cf. 2 Timothy 2:16 where it is used in a similar manner).” (Guthrie)
    Some questions have no answers (like how many legs does this elephant have?). Others have answers that are definitely not worth squabbling about.  God's message in this phrase is simple. When tempted to enter a foolish (unproductive in the kingdom of God) dispute, turn your back on it. Look away, then walk away. I want to quit wasting God's time disputing trivial things when He has set in my heart the ability to instead share His Great Truth, the Gospel message of Jesus Christ.
But avoid foolish disputes.....
(By the way, elephants have four legs. You know I'm right!)
Copyright 2013 Mission of the Master Ministries, Inc. May be quoted in whole or in part if a link is provided to

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